November 15, 2023
The Government has launched the Make Things Right campaign to encourage all residents to first contact their landlords to raise any issues with their property or complaints that they may have.
Make Things Right wants to raise awareness of how complaints processes work and to show how you can get support if you need to.
Here at Saha we want to provide an excellent service that meets the needs of residents and we look to work with residents at every opportunity to put issues right. If things are going wrong it’s important that you let us know as soon as you can, this would be issues like:
The Government is raising awareness to all social housing residents to enable them to be listened to and their issues resolved. If you have already raised an complaint with us and it has not been resolved you can make a complaint to the Housing Ombudsman who will then investigate. Alternatively you could speak to your local MP or your resident panel to see if they can help.
Click here to read more about Make Things Right.