Safeguarding at Salvation Army Homes - Statement on Safeguarding

Safeguarding Lead: Gill Cook

Salvation Army Homes is committed to safeguarding and protecting from harm the children, young people and adults at risk that may use or come into contact with our services. We believe that people should never experience abuse of any kind and we have a duty to promote the welfare of the people we work with and to carry out our work in a way that keeps them safe.

We understand that:

  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
  • The welfare of the people that we work with and of children in particular, is paramount in the work that we do and the decisions that we take
  • All people regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation have a right to protection from all types of harm or abuse
  • Some of the people we work with or who come into contact with our services are additionally vulnerable because of their life experiences, level of dependency or other issues

Salvation Army Homes helps to safeguard people by:

  • implementing safeguarding policies and procedures that are reviewed on a regular basis and we ensure that all staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in relation to safeguarding
  • having a knowledge and understanding of the local safeguarding structures in the areas where our services are based and by working collaboratively to deliver multi-agency solutions, report concerns and share appropriate information.
  • Using safer recruitment practices and providing effective safeguarding training to staff.
  • Using information we receive to help us consider and address any risks to people who use our services.
  • Referring any concerns to local councils and/or the police for further investigation.
  • Monitoring any concerns to identify any patterns or trends.
  • Ensuring that the environment and facilities where saha residents, and where applicable their family members, live or receive our services are safe, appropriate, and meet their needs
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